GasNet Group operates the largest gas distribution grid in the Czech Republic in respect of both, length and number of customers. GasNet secures 80% of gas distribution operating 65 000 kilometers of gas pipelines in all regions of the Czech Republic excluding the area of Prague and Southern Bohemia. GasNet operates 2.3 millions offtake points and distributes ca 70 TWh gas annually. The Group was founded in 2020 by separation from innogy becoming the first completely vertically separated energy distributor in the Czech Republic.
GasNet is continuously investing in its gas distribution network to increase security and reliability of supply. At the same time, the company is preparing for the distribution of low-emission and zero-emission gases such as biomethane and hydrogen.
As the first distributor in the Czech Republic, GasNet accepts biomethane injected into its system. It connected the first biogas plant in Rapotín in northern Moravia to the grid at the end of 2019. Currently, GasNet has signed future connection agreements with 13 other biomethane producers. Biogas stations in Litomyšl and Mladá Boleslav will be connected soon. In the Czech Republic, biomethane has the potential to replace 7-10% of domestic natural gas consumption used in the heating and road transport sector by 2030.
As the largest Czech distributor, GasNet has been preparing its grid for a hydrogen blend coming into the system. The company's ambition is to distribute 100% pure hydrogen latest in 2050.
The preparation of the hydrogen distribution network is based mainly on its retrofit and modernization. Among other things, this means replacing a relevant part of the steel pipelines with a polyethylene ones enabling the distribution of pure hydrogen. The process of modernization has been ongoing for more than 20 years. As a result, polyethylene pipes already cover over 60% of local networks in municipalities and cities. GasNet has also joined the European 'Ready for Hydrogen' project, which brings together a total of 90 distributors and gas organizations across 17 European countries. The goal is to prepare for low-carbon hydrogen future and help Europe move to a zero-emission economy.
In the area of alternative fuels, the GasNet Group is also one of the pioneers of LNG technology in road freight transport. It operates two LNG filling stations in Mladá Boleslav and Klecany near Prague. In 2022, he plans to open two more stations.
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+420 555 90 10 10